XtGem Forum catalog
 Country Mobile Code

+886 Taiwan
+992 Tajikistan (Republic of)
+255 Tanzania (United Republic of)
+66 Thailand
+228 Togolese Republic
+690 Tokelau
+676 Tonga (Kingdom of)
+1 Trinidad and Tobago
+216 Tunisia
+90 Turkey
+993 Turkmenistan
+1 Turks and Caicos Islands
+688 Tuvalu
+256 Uganda (Republic of)
+380 Ukraine
+971 United Arab Emirates
+44 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
+1 United States of America
+1 United States Virgin Islands
+878 Universal Personal Telecommunication Service (UPT)
+598 Uruguay (Eastern Republic of)
+998 Uzbekistan (Republic of)
+678 Vanuatu (Republic of)
+39 Vatican City State
+58 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
+84 Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of)
+681 Wallis and Futuna (Territoire français d'outre- mer)
+967 Yemen (Republic of)
+260 Zambia (Republic of)
+263 Zimbabwe (Republic of)



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