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 Country Mobile Code

+855 Cambodia (Kingdom of)
+237 Cameroon (Republic of)
+1 Canada
+238 Cape Verde (Republic of)
+1 Cayman Islands
+236 Central African Republic
+235 Chad (Republic of)
+56 Chile
+86 China (People's Republic of)
+61 Christmas Island
+61 Cocos (Keeling) Islands
+57 Colombia (Republic of)
+269 Comoros (Islamic Federal Republic of the)
+242 Congo- Brazzaville (Republic of the)
+243 Congo-Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the)
+682 Cook Islands
+506 Costa Rica
+225 Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of)
+385 Croatia (Republic of)
+53 Cuba
+357 Cyprus (Republic of)
+420 Czech Republic
+45 Denmark
+246 Diego Garcia
+253 Djibouti (Republic of)
+1 Dominica (Commonwealth of)
+1 Dominican Republic
+670 East Timor
+593 Ecuador
+20 Egypt (Arab Republic of)
+503 El Salvador (Republic of)
+240 Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) +291 Eritrea
+372 Estonia (Republic of)
+251 Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of)
+388 Europe



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