Snack's 1967
 Country Mobile Code

+93 Afghanistan (Islamic State of)
+355 Albania (Republic of)
+213 Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of)
+684 American Samoa
+376 Andorra (Principality of)
+244 Angola (Republic of)
+1 Anguilla
+1 Antigua and Barbuda
+54 Argentine Republic +374 Armenia (Republic of)
+297 Aruba
+247 Ascension
+61 Australia
+672 Australian External Territories
+43 Austria
+994 Azerbaijani Republic
+1 Bahamas (Commonwealth of the)
+973 Bahrain (State of)
+880 Bangladesh (People's Republic of)
+1 Barbados
+375 Belarus (Republic of)
+32 Belgium
+501 Belize
+229 Benin (Republic of)
+1 Bermuda
+975 Bhutan (Kingdom of)
+591 Bolivia (Republic of)
+387 Bosnia and Herzegovina
+267 Botswana (Republic of)
+55 Brazil (Federative Republic of)
+1 British Virgin Islands
+673 Brunei Darussalam
+359 Bulgaria (Republic of)
+226 Burkina Faso
+257 Burundi (Republic of)



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